What is the Permissive Parenting style and why it does not work? 

Permissive Parenting


Permissive parenting is a style of parenting where parents are overly indulgent and lenient towards their children. Permissive parents tend to have a laid-back attitude towards parenting, allowing their children to make their own decisions without imposing strict rules or consequences. This parenting style has both advantages and disadvantages and can impact children’s behavior, social skills, and emotional well-being.

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Permissive parenting is characterized by warmth and affection towards children, but also a lack of boundaries and discipline. Permissive parents often prioritize their children’s happiness and desires over their own needs and may struggle to set limits or enforce rules. This can lead to children feeling entitled, lacking self-discipline, and struggling to handle frustration or disappointment.

Parents who use a permissive parenting style are typically lenient and allow their children to make their own decisions, often without setting clear boundaries or rules. Here are some of the characteristics and examples of permissive parenting:

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Characteristics of Permissive Parenting

  1. High levels of warmth and responsiveness: Permissive parents are often very loving and supportive of their children. They may be very affectionate and encourage their children to express themselves freely.
  2. Low levels of control: Permissive parents tend to avoid using strict rules or discipline to control their children’s behavior. They may allow their children to do whatever they want, without any consequences.
  3. Lack of structure and routine: Permissive parents may not establish regular routines or schedules for their children, such as bedtimes, mealtimes, or homework times.
  4. Indulgence: Permissive parents may indulge their children’s wants and desires, even if it means sacrificing their own needs or values. For example, they may allow their children to eat unhealthy foods or play video games all day.
  5. Overprotection: While permissive parents may be lenient with their children, they may also be overprotective and shield their children from the consequences of their actions. For example, they may make excuses for their children’s behavior or protect them from criticism.

Examples of Permissive Parenting

  1. Allowing a child to stay up late and watch television or play video games, even if it interferes with their schoolwork or sleep schedule.
  2. Letting a child eat junk food or unhealthy snacks instead of encouraging healthy eating habits.
  3. Refusing to enforce rules or discipline a child, even if the child is misbehaving or breaking household rules.
  4. Shielding a child from criticism or consequences for their actions, such as making excuses for their behavior or blaming others for their mistakes.

It is important to note that while permissive parenting can be loving and nurturing, it can also lead to children who lack discipline, struggle with self-control, and have difficulty following rules or authority figures.

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Disadvantages of Permissive Parenting

Last, we will talk about the disadvantages of Permissive Parenting.


 Children who grow up with permissive parents may struggle with self-discipline and self-control, as they are not taught to regulate their own behavior or emotions. This can lead to difficulties with academic achievement and social relationships, as well as problems with impulsivity and self-esteem.

Lack of Respect

Permissive parenting can also lead to children feeling entitled and lacking respect for authority figures. Without clear rules or consequences, children may not understand the value of hard work or effort and may struggle to handle failure or disappointment. This can lead to problems with motivation and resilience later in life.

Decision-making skills

Children of permissive parents may also struggle with boundary-setting and decision-making. Without clear guidelines or expectations, children may struggle to make decisions or prioritize tasks and may struggle with anxiety or indecisiveness. This can lead to problems with time management, organization, and procrastination.

Risk Prone Personality

Without appropriate limits, kids are left to fend for themselves and could approach some situations without hesitation or fear, which might raise their likelihood of participating in harmful behavior like substance misuse. Inhibition of behavior.

Inhibition of behavior

According to several studies, kids who grow up with permissive parents are more likely to experience anxiety and despair. These kids frequently learn to keep their troubles to themselves, which makes them reclusive.

To address these issues, permissive parents may need to establish clearer boundaries and expectations for their children. This can involve setting rules and consequences for behavior, as well as providing guidance and support for decision-making and problem-solving. It is also important for permissive parents to model self-discipline and self-regulation, and to provide a sense of structure and routine for their children.

In addition to these strategies, permissive parents can also benefit from seeking support and guidance from parenting experts or professionals. This can involve attending parenting classes or workshops, speaking with a therapist or counselor, or seeking advice from trusted friends or family members. By investing in their own growth and development as parents, permissive parents can help to ensure that their children grow up with the skills and tools they need to thrive in the world.

In conclusion, permissive parenting can have many disadvantages for children’s behavior, social skills, and emotional well-being. While permissive parenting can foster a positive relationship between parents and children, it can also lead to problems with self-discipline, entitlement, and decision-making. By establishing clearer boundaries and expectations, modeling self-regulation and discipline, and seeking support and guidance, permissive parents can help their children develop the skills and tools they need to succeed in life.

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