4 Belief Systems parents have that need to be crushed.

We live in a digital world where many changes have been implemented in the last 15 years. Due to the rise of the internet and smartphone. The digital economy brings a revolution in education (online education makes education democratic) and jobs- the news emerged i.e. gig workers, freelancers, digital marketing, and hundreds of more professions. … Read more

A Simple Way to Choosing a Tutor For Your Kid

It takes a team to raise a clever child. For this reason, parents frequently turn to tutors to assist their kids in overcoming academic obstacles. Here is a budgeting cheat sheet for selecting the best tutor. Everyone wants their child to do well in school and in their academics, but no child will always be … Read more

Teaching Kids Money Habits at Age 7

Your children notice your money habits, patterns, and conversations. Here are some lessons they ought to pick up from you. Even though it may be difficult to believe. Our children’s financial patterns and habits are mostly established by the time they enter primary school. Absolutely, our children have developed many of the cognitive patterns that … Read more

Why and How to Instill Mindfulness in Your Children

Kids who practice mindfulness can improve their ability to concentrate. Cope with stress, control their emotions, and have a positive outlook. Here’s how to impart the knowledge to them. My daughter began studying mindfulness in her third-grade class at school last year. The pupils would circle up, close their eyes. And sit calmly while they … Read more

Communication Techniques That Work With Children

This remark resonates with me as my perceptions and behaviors as an adult have been directed by my inner voice (Communication Techniques). My learning and concept-building from the insightful and emotional conversations I had with my parents during my childhood have shaped my inner voice. Thus is the situation with all readers, isn’t it? But … Read more

How Much Food Does My Child Need To Eat?

Use this age-by-age chart to determine the recommended food intake for your child and to learn how to foster lifelong good eating habits. We want the best for our kids, which means we want them to have wholesome connections and be in stable partnerships. We want children to be happy and to get care for … Read more

What Age Should a Child Enter Kindergarten?

It’s difficult to imagine that the young child who used to fit perfectly in the crook of your arm is now prepared for kindergarten—or are they? You might want to wait another 12 months. After all, what age is appropriate for kindergarten? Especially now that the trend of “redshirting” children, who are given an additional … Read more

Homeschooling: Balancing the Roles of Parent and Teacher

Expectations and Typical Concerns (Homeschooling) It’s common to feel apprehensive as you consider whether homeschooling is the best option for you and your child. You could question your ability to teach your child and your ability to provide them a quality education. If this sounds familiar, keep in mind that you are already your child’s … Read more